Achieve Supply Chain Sustainability With Monitor Pro

  • July 28, 2021
Supply Chain Visibility

As the consumer world gets more and more vast and complex, manufacturers have to catch-up every single day or risk becoming obsolete. Some of them might underestimate how complicated and technical the whole process has become and try to compete with the help of technology that has long past outlived its usefulness. Much of this lies in the dynamics of the supply chain that face changes rapidly to mirror the ever-changing nature of the consumers.

Supply Chain Tracking Software

An important part of this race has been the challenging task of creating a sustainable supply chain, starting from the most basic tier supplier to the customer. The most fruitful approach has been a data-driven approach that has proven to be worth every penny in investment. This was brought on by the real-time nature of the transactions that require a supply chain tracking software.

Let us consider an example here, say a customer calls in to complain that their order has been delayed and that they are unable to get any information regarding its whereabouts. This is an issue that can only be resolved if the company itself has the information at-hand. How? By incorporating a robust supply chain tracking software that makes its entire supply chain visible at a moment’s notice.

With a reliable supply chain tracking software, the customer that has called will be able to get the information regarding the cause and length of the delay. But that is not it, the company will also be able to pinpoint where the delay is occurring. With this information they may deploy a means to address the root cause of the problem, solve it and prevent it from occurring again.

What’s more? A supply chain tracking software with a user-friendly interface provides omniscient visibility, reducing risk and complexity while partner onboarding while increasing customer satisfaction levels.

Designing and Implementing Big Data Analytics Solutions

The human mind, even collectively, cannot keep up with the exponential speed with which the market changes these days. Hence, this is the job for designing and implementing big data analytics solutions to learn and understand the changes that are happening every second.

Let us say a significant shift in the demand for a company’s product is coming which could be a surge or a decline. What is needed is dependable business analytics that can map and chart market and consumer patterns to accurately predict these changes and present them in a user-readable form; so that the manufacturers can make the correct decisions.

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, analytics will be able to improve its predictions in continuous iterations without the need for manual input, saving time and manpower for the workers. To accomplish this, companies will need to integrate its supply chain onto a single platform.

Supply Chain Systems Integration is a Game Changer

Integrating existing platforms with manufacturer, supplier, vendor, warehouse and transportation management systems or implementation of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a smart approach to boost productivity and effectiveness.

Apart from stakeholders, implementation of an ERP system will integrate various disparate systems, furthering an organisation’s ability to manage business information and streamline workflows.

With every point in the supply chain integrated into a single supply chain, all stakeholders will be able to access data at any point to understand the demands on the supply chain and relay information to required junctions at breakneck speeds.

For example, what happens to a company without an ERP system, when a newly onboarded partner asks for the specifics of a current big order, having a short deadline? Transferring data manually and selectively is a task that could take a few days. Here is where implementing an ERP system to get the information and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) comes to the rescue.

With these technologies, the company will be able to sync the necessary data instantaneously to everyone involved in the supply chain, no matter how recently they became a part of it, and prevent the wastage of time and manpower. Everyone will be able to access the details on each order and resolve and prevent transaction issues in real-time, allowing the product to be delivered on time to the customer’s satisfaction.

Hybrid Integration: A More Reliable Approach to Supply Chain Integration

With the advent of new technologies, older ones are starting to become obsolete. However, it is simply not feasible to immediately replace all old technologies in the company. But how does one interface an older tool with a new one so they can share and process the same data? The answer is simple, hybrid integration.

With hybrid integration, you will be able to connect legacy systems with new systems and work on the orders without worrying about having to extract data from said legacy systems. Not only that but with hybrid integration, the data transfer will be secure, free of lag and data loss.

Get Unprecedented Control Over Your End-to-End Supply Chain

Any number of problems can arise in a company’s operations that might be foreseeable or completely unpredictable. But with the help of an experienced team and reliable technologies, companies will not only be better positioned to resolve these problems right at the moment they arise but also predict these problems and take preventive measures so that these issues never even occur.

To cultivate supply chain sustainability, it is certainly recommended to set up a system in such a way that you can have full control and visibility over it so that no issue can cause a delay in the company’s operations. By establishing visibility, performing B2B integration, designing and implementing big data analytics solutions, and implementing an ERP system, a business is bound to increase process speed, efficiency and overall customer experience.

Prevention is better than cure: we adhere to this philosophy as the supply chain ecosystem involves continuous planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply activities.

We urge you to consult with our experts to find the best possible way to build a digitally driven, sustainable supply chain.